I recently stumbled upon this video about an awesome project: a tactile harness with various vibrating parts designed to experience music “physically”. Watch the video…
I recently stumbled upon this video about an awesome project: a tactile harness with various vibrating parts designed to experience music “physically”. Watch the video…
Recently I was interviewed by Peggy Sylopp, head of the research project “Hear how you like to hear“. The project is about people’s view and…
In times of Covid-19, social distancing and home quarantine, many people resort to meeting their people via (video or telephone) conferencing. You call your coworkers when you work from home, after work you have a with call with Aunt Amy, and later in the event you join your nerd group of friends that you play the latest boardgame with.
I don’t have a clue about virology or any of the medical stuff, but if I could give you one piece of advice in these times: do your peers a favor and use a headset.
To some people, especially the gamers, this might be the obvious way to do conference calls, but I noticed that even for my tech savvy colleagues this isn’t all that obvious.
A while ago, I mentioned the research project Hear how you like to hear. The researchers want to find out how users use hearables and…
I recently stumbled upon this talk about security vulnerabilities of medical devices might be used and exploited. This one is about pace makers. However, it…
It’s been a while since Google published the protocol ASHA, which specifies how Android phones will communicate with hearing aids. This article (in German) inspects…
While I am not part of the deaf community and can neither sign nor cue, I found this article interesting: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/07/opinion/health/is-there-a-right-way-to-be-deaf.html The author describes how…
I found this article a very good selection of advice for teacher of students who are hard of hearing: https://medium.com/voices-through-silence/how-misunderstandings-about-hearing-loss-are-hurting-our-deaf-and-hard-of-hearing-students-ad4b55711742 While my hearing got bad…
The other day I stumbled upon this chart which is a nice overview about the hearing aid industry: https://www.hearingreview.com/hearing-products/hearing-aid-history-in-one-chart-2 Given the advancements in technology, I…
I recently stumbled upon this talk by professional real-time captioner Mirabai Knight about why human captioning (still) matters:
I highly recommend watching the talk in its entirety. I found it super interesting and learned a lot. However, if you have only 5 minutes, I suggest watching starting at minute 10:38, which contains my personal highlight.
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