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Slides and speaker notes of my talk “Bionic Ears” at 28c3

As promised, I provide the slides of my talk “Bionic Ears” at the 28c3 hacker conference in Berlin.

28c3 “Bionic Ears” Slides

I also offer a version with detailed speaker notes, because especially my hearing-impaired audience might need it to be able to follow. I had to downsample the images in this version to avoid the files getting too big. Please have a look at the “slides only” version for details in the images.

28c3 “Bionic Ears” Slides + Speakernotes

I played different audio samples during the talk, you can download them here:

Sad robot (original)

Sad robot (with hearing loss of high frequencies)

Sad robot (with hearing loss of high frequencies and tinnitus added)

Sound of Cochlear Implants

Update: If you want everything in one packet, you can get it here:

28c3 “Bionic Ears” (Slides, speaker notes and audio samples) (about 20MB)

One Comment

  1. […] Center flogen schon in vergangenen Jahren Quadrocopter durch die Hallen. Dieses Jahr gab es einen Vortrag zu Hörgeräten, einer Plattform, die nur wenige Hacker kennen. Der Zugriff auf entsprechende Geräte ist aber auch […]

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